Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cave Man Progress

As most of you know, Wayne grew an "Alaska Beard."  I didn't know what we were in for.  I was used to his facial creativity but had never seen the likes of THIS:
Looking at this now, it's amazing I wasn't murdered.  I'm pretty sure this is exactly what a murderer wants to look like.  haha

A little crazy professor-ish?
Oh yeah, that's lookin' lots better!  That's the Wayne I've known for years!

She's just too damn cute not to include in all posts.  Caveman or not.  She'd be cute during ANY era!

What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?

Wayne and I love cookin' things.  Especially things that are easy to pick up at the super market.  My boss sells her own chicken's eggs.  I've never known chicken eggs to be colors other than white.  Here are our typical eggs:
I was learning to make bread.  Although I still have a long way to go, I know a little something about kneading and rising.  Here's photos of my first attempt.  Surprisingly still produced decent dough for pizza.

Pasta sauce in the making.  Yep.  Not made from a can!
Dough Rising
Finished product.  Looking pretty freaking good aye?  Yep.  Wayne loved it.  We'll make this for all new guests.

The best thing about pizza is having dessert.  Here's my homemade dessert.

Cream cheese chunks to swirl!
Final brownies swirled and delicious!

Fur Rondy Dog Sled Race

We live in an awesome area in Anchorage next to a trail that is used for walking/biking in the summer and used for cross country skiing in the winter.  The trail is well used and maintained and goes all over the world (in the case that the world is Anchorage) so it's perfect for things like this Fur Rondy Dog Sled Race.  Wayne took some photos to show you all!
Police roll through to clear everyone out
Here they come!

Having lots of fun for a RACE!
Fancy Frame!
Crowding the trail
Their doggie tongues have got to slap an eyeball!
He's done this before
Every last one on this side looked right at me. Focus, dogs!
This is how you take photos like a pro!
This little guy was getting mighty excited.
Looking around the bend, planning his next move.
Keeping distance.

The rowdy crew that showed up with beer put a smile on the racers' faces.
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A little bit of the artsy for you.
Lean into it, little guy!
He's throwing a kick in to help out his team.
Those tongues are funny!
