Thursday, November 8, 2012

Paintfully Yours

Now that I've learned some fundamentals of painting, it's time for something a little more advanced.  Watercolor II is next, and it's for everyone who is above beginner.  There are quite a few returning students, some of which are working on their own paintings.  For them, it's more about having a structured time and place, which they are happy to call their "therapy".   

May I?

Week 1.  A returning student laughed when Don told us that we'd be painting a cup.  I think she was expecting something a bit more grandiose, but as it turns out, this was more difficult than any of us thought.  We completed it in one class, and the other four will be spent on a single painting.


Week 2,3.  This one is much larger than any we've done- instead of 8x10, it's more like 18x24.  The first night was spent trying to figure out the composition.  Some had done this lesson before, but the rest of us definitely struggled.  It was hard to tell what, and how much would do.  I worked on it at home, and by the week 3 class had a mostly completed drawing, ready to slap down masking fluid.  Maybe I should have double-checked before starting that step, because there ended up being far too much space taken up.  


I continued with the splattering, removed the masking fluid, and ended up with this.  The vibrant colors were supposed to create a very interesting background, but that's not the case here.  Everything ended up being quite muted, and disappointing.  Too many flowers and grasses, and a lack of good color.

 Not Mine

The girl next to me did her colors quite well, and I'm glad I took a picture for reference, because...

 Fresh Start

It seemed like the best option was to start over.  This paper is pretty durable, so I just flipped it over and sketched a new scene.

 Now We're Talkin'

These were the brightest colors I could manage.  Good start.

Now We're Talkin 2

I'm feeling much better about this go-round.  I may try to sneak in a bit more purple down underneath, but otherwise it's been good.  Don demonstrated different leaf, grass, and bloom techniques, and we all gave it our best.  Since I started over, I got to see that less grass was ideal.  The other student's painting Not Mine had a ton of grass, and she was wishing otherwise.  Before I left class, I got some tips for the blooms.  Next week is the last of this session, and he told us we might not be finished.  Yikes!  I may have to finish on my own!  

  A Tree

Another of my envelope-sized paintings.  Depending on your screen, it might be actual size!  This is an Acacia tree from Africa, enjoying a little moonlight.

Also Not Mine

This guy sits on the other side of me.  He's done the flower lesson several times, so instead has been working on this picture of France. 

Be sure to check back, 'cause I'll be updating this with continued efforts.  See ya soon!